Aktuelle Beiträge
Computer: Tutorial: Docker-Compose Deployment
Discover how to deploy a simple NestJS application alongside WordPress and MySQL using Docker-Compose. This guide walks you through setting up Docker-Compose with a step-by-step explanation, from building a custom NestJS service to routing with Traefik, all while maintaining service isolation and security with multiple encrypted networks. Learn how to use environment variables for dynamic configuration and manage services efficiently using Docker-Compose commands. Dive into practical examples for both basic and advanced setups.
Computer: Image from Dockerfile
Views: 51After the Docker Container Introduction, the next step is to deploy a sample project in a Docker container. For this, we create a basic NestJS service with a simple GET / route that returns Hello World!. Simple NestJS Project First download and install Node.js and npm, they also install the nice little tool npx, [read ...]
Computer: Extract Mac-OSX
and pkg
How to extract a Mac-OSX installation package on Ubuntu Linux to analyze the contents.
Computer: SuisseID as Code Signing HSM
How to get a SwissSign codesign certificate using the SuisseID as HSM on Linux Ubuntu. Example how to digitally sign a windows executable.
Computer: «Debianize» a Project
Views: 2315This is outdated, use my new bootstrap-build-environment project instead! (new blog post for that topic will follow) This article describes, how to add fully automated Debian package building to an existing project, as preparation for a Jenkins build job.