Marc Wäckerlin
Für eine libertäre Gesellschaft

Aktuelle Beiträge

Computer: Tutorial: Docker-Compose Deployment Discover how to deploy a simple NestJS application alongside WordPress and MySQL using Docker-Compose. This guide walks you through setting up Docker-Compose with a step-by-step explanation, from building a custom NestJS service to routing with Traefik, all while maintaining service isolation and security with multiple encrypted networks. Learn how to use environment variables for dynamic configuration and manage services efficiently using Docker-Compose commands. Dive into practical examples for both basic and advanced setups.
Computer: Image from Dockerfile Views: 61After the Docker Container Introduction, the next step is to deploy a sample project in a Docker container. For this, we create a basic NestJS service with a simple GET / route that returns Hello World!. Simple NestJS Project First download and install Node.js and npm, they also install the nice little tool npx, [read ...]
Computer: Ubuntu: Get Rid of Snap Views: 75Since a few releases, Ubuntu has introduces snap as package manager for some software, instead of using apt repositories. Snap has many disadvantages. Instead of referncing dependencies from other packages, everything is packed into one package and then run in a sandbox. Not only that this results in larger and redundant deployments, due to [read ...]
Computer: Secure Passwords and Numerical PINs How to choose highly secure psswords and numeric PINs with examples using the Linux tool pwgen.
Computer: Access Encrypted ZFS from Rescue Boot How to decrypt an Ubuntu 22.04 file system on an encrypted ZFS installation to fix problems, namely if you lost your sudo rights.
Computer: Run a Stable LizardFS After some evaluation, LizardFS is my recommended distributed file system. It provides redundancy for huge amounts of storage and is fast enough to serve as docker storage backend. But still there are a lot of pitfalls that could make you loose your data. Here is a collection of my learnings.
Computer: PC-Engines APU.2D4 as Docker Worker How to use some cheap CHF 178 APU.2D4 servers to build up a powerful docker swarm cloud based on Ubuntu. You find step by step installation instruction including some hints for optimization. As storage backend, I recommend LizardFS.
Computer: Backup Ubuntu to Docker Setting up a server for backing up your ubuntu home, e.g. from your notebook, is a task, done in just ten minutes. All you need is a publicly available server running docker.
Computer: Docker Swarm and GlusterFS Docker swarm is very easy to setup and maintain. It distributed containers over several nodes in a cloud, offers load balancing, redundancy, failover, smooth updates. But local volumes stay locally, so you need a cluster or network file system. That's where gluster enters the stage.
Computer: Setup OpenLDAP Server in Docker Setup an OpenLDAP server in a docker container, including a LDAP Administration Manager web interface, requires just four commands in a Linux bash. Three more to enable TLS.
Computer: Overwrite Console Key Mapping Ctrl+Alt+F1 A description on where and how to change the basic Unix key mappings on Ubuntu. If you want to reconfigure Ctrl-Alt-Del or Ctrl+Alt+F1 or Alt+F1, you find a solution in this article.
Computer: Docker Overview Short summary on Containers, Images and how to use Docker. Introduction for beginners, containerization.
Computer: Combine PKCS11 (SuisseID) and SSH How to use a PKCS#11 hardware token, such as SuisseID for SSH login.