Aktuelle Beiträge
Computer: C++ Container Overview
Overview of the C++ containers and their most impurtant functions and the available stacks.
Computer: Successful Software Projects
Rules and hints for successful software development projects based on my >30 years of experience in software development.
Computer: C++11 … 14 … 17 … 20
For all of you who have been programming C++ since ages, it makes sense to summarize the changes in C++ after the famous STL introduction in 1998, so let's summarize the features of C++11, C++14, C++17.
Computer: C++11 Variadic Templates: Fun with Tuple
Views: 3243To learn the power of the new variadic template parameters, I decided to implement my own tuple class. I know, there is already a tuple Implementation in the C++11 standard library, but it is a cool example anyway, and it is a typical use for variadic templates. Of course, the challenge is to check [read ...]
Computer: Cross Compile on Ubuntu Linux for Windows Using MinGW
Views: 20567Cross Compiling on a Linux (Ubuntu) for Windows targets has become really simple in the last years.