Marc Wäckerlin
Für eine libertäre Gesellschaft

Stream Editor sed Overview and Reference

Mai 6, 2015

Views: 1911

I was missing a one-page overwiew of sed commands, so here they are:

Command Line Options

option description
–version show version
–help show short usage
only produces output when explicitly told to via the p command
explicitly add script expression
read script from file
in place edit file, if suffix is given, creates a backup
-l N
default line length for the l command
–posix strict posix mode
binary with regard to CR/LF problem
–follow-symlinks follow links when option -i is used
use extended regular expression syntax (GNU extension)
treat each input file separately instead of one long stream (GNU extension)
buffer as little as possible
separate lines with zero instead of newline


addressing description
(no address) match all lines
NUMBER select line number
FIRST~STEP matches every STEPth line starting with line FIRST
$ match last line
/REGEXP/ match regular expression
// repeat last regular expression match
\%REGEXP% same as /REGEXP/, but with % as delimiter – also works for other characters
/REGEXP/I match case insensitive (GNU extension)
/REGEXP/M match in multi line mode, then ^ $ match begin and end of a line, \` \' match begin and end of buffer (GNU extension)
ADRESS1,ADDRESS2 match address range from to, range will always span at least two lines, unless the second address is a number less than (or equal to) the line number matching the first address
0,ADDRESS2 apply ADDRESS2 already on the first line (GNU extension)
ADDRESS1,+N matches for the following N lines (GNU extension)
ADDRESS1,-N matches until the next line whose input line number is a multiple of N
ADDRESS! negate the sense of the match

Regular Expressions

regexp description
C matches any given character C
. matches any character
* repeat last match zero or more times
\+ repeat last match one or more times
\? repeat last match zero or one times
\{I\} repeat last match exactly I times (GNU extension)
\{I,J\} repeat last match between I and J times (GNU extension)
\{I,\} repeat last match at least I times (GNU extension)
\(REGEXP\) group – can be refered as \N for the Nth group
^ matches begin of line
$ matches end of line
[LIST] matches any single character in list
[^LIST] matches any single character except those in list
RE1\|RE2 or
\C escape special character C, such as $ * . [ \ ^
\w matches any «word» character (GNU extension)
\W matches any «non-word» character (GNU extension)
\b matches a word boundary (GNU extension)
\B matches everywhere but on a word boundary (GNU extension)
\` matches only at the start of pattern space (file) (GNU extension)
\› matches only at the end of pattern space (file) (GNU extension)
\s matches a white space character


char description
\a produces or matches a BEL character (GNU extension)
\f produces or matches a form feed (GNU extension)
\n produces or matches a newline (GNU extension)
\r produces or matches a carriage return (GNU extension)
\t produces or matches a horizontal tab (GNU extension)
\v produces or matches a vertical tab (GNU extension)
\cX produces or matches CONTROL-X (GNU extension)
\dXXX produces or matches a character whose decimal ASCII value is XXX (GNU extension)
\oXXX produces or matches a character whose octal ASCII value is XXX (GNU extension)
\xXX produces or matches a character whose hexadecimal ASCII value is XX (GNU extension)


command description
# comment line (no address)
q [EXIT-CODE] exit with optional exit code
Q [EXIT-CODE] quit without printing current line (GNU extension)
d delete pattern space, start next cycle
D delete up to first newline, then restart without reading a new line of input
p print pattern space
P print up to first newline
n proceed to next line
N append new line plus next line from input
append text after (GNU extension: this command accepts two addresses)
append text (simplified GNU extension)
insert text before (otherwise same as append text after)
replace text (otherwise same as append text after)
= print input line number (GNU extension: this command accepts two addresses)
l N print in C style printable format, wrap long lines at N characters (GNU extension: N)
L N joins lines in pattern space to produce output lines of (at most) N characters – deprecated (GNU extension)
r FILENAME append a file (GNU extension: this command accepts two addresses)
R FILENAME append only a single line of a file (GNU extension)
w FILENAME write to a file, or append if the same file name is given several times
W FILENAME write up to first newline (GNU extension)
h copy to buffer
H append to buffer with preseeding new line
g copy from buffer
G append newline plus content of buffer
x exchange current line with buffer
: LABEL label to branch to
b LABEL branch to label
t LABEL branch to label if there was a successful substitution since last line was read or since last conditional branch
T LABEL branch to label only if there was no successful substitution (GNU extension)
e COMMAND pipe input from shell command (GNU extension)
e pipe input from command in current line (GNU extension)
F print file name of current input (GNU extension)
v VERSION fail if current sed’s version is lower (GNU extension)
z drop whole content of current line (GNU extension)
{ COMMANDS } group commands
s/REGEXP/REPLACEMENT/FLAGS search replace, instead of / you can use other characters

match regular expression
replace with REPLACEMENT, where:

refers the the Nth match
referes the the whole line
to turn the replacement to lowercase until a \U or \E is found
turn the next character to lowercase
turn the replacement to uppercase until a \L or \E is found
turn the next character to uppercase
dtop case conversion started by \L or \U
optional flags which are

apply to all matches, nut just the first
only replace Nth match
write to file
execute match as shell command and replace with output (GNU extension)
case insensitive (GNU extension)
match in multi line mode, then ^ $ match begin and end of a line, \` \' match begin and end of buffer (GNU extension)
y/SOURCE-CHARS/DEST-CHARS/ replace character by character, such as in tr, instead of / you can use other characters

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