Marc Wäckerlin
Für eine libertäre Gesellschaft
Access Encrypted ZFS from Rescue Boot How to decrypt an Ubuntu 22.04 file system on an encrypted ZFS installation to fix problems, namely if you lost your sudo rights.
Synchronize Data between two Servers behind Firewalls How to synchronize files between two servers behind different firewalls that don't see each other using rsync and and ssh with root access on both servers and through a user's laptop as man in the middle.
Run a Stable LizardFS After some evaluation, LizardFS is my recommended distributed file system. It provides redundancy for huge amounts of storage and is fast enough to serve as docker storage backend. But still there are a lot of pitfalls that could make you loose your data. Here is a collection of my learnings.
Extract Mac-OSX dmg and pkg Installer How to extract a Mac-OSX installation package on Ubuntu Linux to analyze the contents.
SuisseID as Code Signing HSM How to get a SwissSign codesign certificate using the SuisseID as HSM on Linux Ubuntu. Example how to digitally sign a windows executable.
Docker Swarm and GlusterFS Docker swarm is very easy to setup and maintain. It distributed containers over several nodes in a cloud, offers load balancing, redundancy, failover, smooth updates. But local volumes stay locally, so you need a cluster or network file system. That's where gluster enters the stage.
Preiswerte flexible Multmedia-Lösung Baue einen coolen Videospieler für weniger als hundert Franken aus einem Raspberry Pi mit OpenELEC als Betriebssystem, Kodi (ehemals XBMC) als Mediencenter und xStream als Add-on, um beliebiege Videos in Deutsch aus dem Internet zu schauen.
Add or Replace Harddisk on Running System Simple command line steps to add a new harddisk to a running Linux LVM system, and how to exchange an old harddisk with a newer bigger one. Even with no reboot needed.
Overwrite Console Key Mapping Ctrl+Alt+F1 A description on where and how to change the basic Unix key mappings on Ubuntu. If you want to reconfigure Ctrl-Alt-Del or Ctrl+Alt+F1 or Alt+F1, you find a solution in this article.
Docker Overview Short summary on Containers, Images and how to use Docker. Introduction for beginners, containerization.
Cross Compile OpenSSL for Windows on Linux Visits: 19453This article explains how to configure and build the OpenSSL library on a Ubuntu Linux to run on 32bit or 64bit Windows.
Cross Compile on Ubuntu Linux for Windows Using MinGW Visits: 20441Cross Compiling on a Linux (Ubuntu) for Windows targets has become really simple in the last years.
Remove All Old Kernel Images in Ubuntu If you have a separate /boot partition, it may be that it gets full after some updates. Then these instructions show you, how to cleanup old kernel images.
Combine PKCS11 (SuisseID) and SSH How to use a PKCS#11 hardware token, such as SuisseID for SSH login.
Install SwissSign SSL Server Certificate in Apache How to install SwissSign SSL certificates on an Apache webserver.